17 Interesting (or Plain Weird) Things We Are Doing in the 5 Week Lockdown

17 Interesting (or Plain Weird) Things We Are Doing in the 5 Week Lockdown

In these unpredictable times of COVID-19 only thing is predictable really - And that's knowing that we will be spending a whole lot of time at home.

A week before New Zealand had announced its official 5 week lockdown our family had decided to take our team member from Karibou Tania into our home as a flatmate so we could continue running Karibou remotely from home.

Little did we know that apart from running our business we would also get up to a whole lot of new, weird, and not so weird things to keep ourselves busy, healthy, and sane.

Whether you find this entertaining, inspiring, or whatever else, we thought that we just couldn't not share this. In the end we can only hope that this type of unprecedented situation of a coronavirus causing lockdown is one of a kind and so too much of a unique situation not to share.

So, here is what we have been up to for the last 4 weeks of quarantine!

1. Making daily exercise a real thing.

Lets face it, you can always put off exercise 'till tomorrow. Only why put it off 'till tomorrow when you can just do it today - Or every day! This is actually what has happened since we ended up in the lockdown. We love exercising to Rebecca-Louise, who's a freaking awesome trainer who just kicks your butt, like no gym time alone would! Make sure to check out here channel HERE! Exercising at home or in your back yard is frickin' awesome.

Doing daily meditations to stay sane and actually feeling a lot better in the end.

Before the lockdown it seemed like I never had time for meditation. It was just hard to 'stop'. Life was fast-paced and the office was always full of hustle and bustle. But we have actually made a conscious effort to make short meditations a part of our daily routine - No matter whether or not the kids are playing in the other room. In the end my mind feels alot calmer and I'm actually feeling like a whole new person. Tania and I just put on some beautiful meditation music and simple sit quiet or 10 mins. or so. Trying meditations with different kind of crystals has also been a beautiful experience as they all act a bit differently. My favourite music to meditate to is anything with Tibetan signing bowls and the Indian flute, THIS one being my fave!

3. Whipping out those old jigsaw puzzles.

I didn't realise that we had that may jigsaw puzzles. I must have bought them all during my pregnancy days. The kids have also liked challenging themselves with some of the more difficult 500pc puzzles, my seven year old son beating his record and completing two 500pcs puzzles in one day.

4. Learning macrame - Well, 'cause it's awesome (But does involve cutting alot of rope).

I can't get enough of macrame hangings and our home is literally filled them (The trip to Bali last year didn't help). Learning to macrame has been an interesting experience - It's relaxing and frustrating at the same time!

5. Foraging for wild mushrooms in the local park to build on my and my son’s mushroom photo collection.

My son and I started a mushroom photo collection a few years ago and it gives us something really fun to do as we go hunting for mushrooms together in our local park. I also think that mushrooms are pretty fascinating and have been trying to learn all about them. When I was a little girl we would forage for real wild ones for dinner. And now that it's autumn here in New Zealand mushroom season has officially began and our collection is only going to grow larger. The main thing is not to pick the mushrooms and leave them in their natural habitat (plus many are quite poisonous!)

6. Downloading too many Amazon Kindle book samples.

7. Cleaning out the wardrobe and planning outfit looks (For whenever going out is a real thing)

8. inally touching up that feature wall that never turned out right.

9. Moving around everything in the house (only to end up putting it all back again).

10. Giving the dog a full scrub-down (That's what you get for sniffing another dog during quarantine)

11. Taking yoga practice from beginner to “Omg I didn’t know I could do that pose!"

12. Playing ‘school’ with the kids. The only time where they actually like being told what to do. It’s weird I know. I don’t remember liking school this much when I was a child.

13. Actually baking our own bread (And escaping the long queues at Farro).

14. (Hey, you have to take what you can get).

15. Practicing some new make-up looks with the help of YouTube.

16. Learning how to use crystals for healing and protection.

17. Making music - Husband's new hobby the whole household loves!

We'd love to know! What are some things you're doing during the quarantine? Would love your comments below mama!


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